Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dr. Max says there is Good Human Food for Dogs

Hi, Dr. Max here.  I want to let you know about all the good human food you can give to your dog.

You can let your dog enjoy these options knowing that they are good for them as well.   Mama feeds me some of these and she says she is delighted to see more choices for me.

Let's remember that moderation is essential and that humans have to consider sugar and fiber when feeding human food to your canine family.  It is a good idea to check with your vet on what your pooch can eat.


I like the following:
Blueberries - filled with antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals.
Strawberries - good Vitamin C and fiber but have a lot of sugar.
Apples - Vitamins A and C plus fiber.  Never give a dog a full
     apple because the seeds are toxic.
Pears - Copper, Vitamins C, K, and fiber.  No core for your pooch
     because of the toxic seeds.
Pineapples - Had this for the first time today and it is delish. It
     was still a little frozen.  Yum.  This has vitamins, minerals,
     and fiber as well as bromelain.
Watermelon - I love this.  This contains Vitamins A, B6, and C as
     well as potassium.  Please make sure there are no seeds.
I have never had the following:
Peaches - Vitamin A and fiber.  The pit contains cyanide so be
Raspberries - Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants and low in sugar.
     These do contain small amounts of xylitol, and that is toxic
      to dogs so limit to a cup for small dogs.
Mangos - Vitamins A, B6, C and E, potassium, beta-carotene, and
     alpha-carotene.  Watch the seeds and pits, so your dog does
     not eat them.
I don't like the following:
Bananas - potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper.  I do
     like bananas in doggy frozen yogurt with peanut butter.


I like the following.
Carrots - High in fiber and beta-carotene and raw they help to
     clean the dog's teeth.  I only eat these cooked.
Broccoli - In moderation to prevent gas.  High in fiber and
     Vitamin C.
I don't like the following:
Celery - Vitamins A, B, and C support cancer prevention.  Make
     sure to cut into small pieces.
Potatoes - cooked and plain with no milk, butter, spices or salt.
Extra iron.
Sweet potatoes - Fiber, beta-carotene, and Vitamins B6 and C.
     Also cooked plain.
Green beans - Bite-sized, cooked or frozen make great treats.
     Vitamins K, C, and manganese.
Pumpkin - Canned or fresh.  (not canned pumpkin pie filling)
     Beta-carotene and fiber.
Spinach - Mama hates cooked spinach.  Iron and nutrients
     that support heart health and fend off cancer.  Stick to small
     portions because of high iron content.  Steamed is easier on
    the tummy.
Brussel Sprouts - Mama hates these too.  Vitamins A, B1, B6, K
     and C,  manganese, folate, fiber, and potassium.  Steamed
Cucumbers -Vitamins K, C, and B1, and potassium, copper,
     magnesium, and biotin.  Good for weight management.

Max Dowler, Ph.Do, Dogcologist
Ph.Do from PUNY, NY
 MA in Psychology, Mutger's University, NJ
 BS, Poundston College, NJ.

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©  Dr Max/Ita Dowler all rights reserved 7/8/2012